All products from mo systeme help you make direct contact with your target groups. modulbox and mo container are large-scale temporary brand spaces, whereas mo5 and mo pop are small, yet powerful points of contact. We help you create high-impact, low-cost live communication platforms.

The modulbox is our first product and still our flagship: It is a 2.7 cube that opens up in the blink of an eye to become a 65 sqm open pavillon with brandable walls, roof, floor, you name it.

modulbox MAX
Our modulbox MAX is big. So big, in fact, that a car fits inside. It can be opened to all four sides and is as easy to transport and set up as the original modulbox.

mo5 is our most compact face-to-face marketing solution: a brandable counter on wheels with a floor, a roof, and lots of storage space to boot.

mo container
We convert overseas containers into anything from rough-and-ready underground bars to high-end exhibition spaces of a much higher durability than other temporary architecture.

mo pop
The two halves of mo pop fit through a normal door frame and can be easily transported by hand, even through the crowd. Set up is done in minutes.