Summer is gone and our rental modulboxes are slowly returning to our warehouse in Berlin, which is getting full – or rather: cramped. Which gives us an an opportunity to offer you used modulboxes to favorable conditions: Our premium products can be purchased between now and the end of the year at very reduced prices. The modulboxes are available in the entire range, from e.g. an older, static model transported by forklift to an almost brand new mobile version with a built-in elevation mechanism. At your request, trailers, transport plane, event kits, additional equipment, etc. can be added.
When open, the modulbox is a lavish stand, an airy gazebo or an entire brandscape in your corporate design. When closed, it is a compact cube that can easily be transported on a normal trailer or inside an overseas container. We would love to help you find out which option best suits your needs and budget, so please give us a call us for a chat and a price.