Thanks to the versatility and agility of our mo5s, mo systeme has qualified for the Champions League finals for the fifth time and for the UEFA Euro League Finals for the third time. Four mo5s were in Amsterdam when Chelsea beat Benfica, and our four top players are now in London, waiting to hit the turf when Borussia Dortmund meets Bayern Munich on Saturday.
At both events, the mo5s are used as pop-up vendors for selling programs. Yes, it is the same quartet of mo5s playing in both stadiums but in different corporate looks, suitable for each occasion. Easy shirt swapping is one reason why the mo5s is often used for sports events: The steel frame ensures durability, the design guarantees mobility, and the high-quality Plexiglas surfaces can be branded with adhesive film according to the customer’s wishes. Hence, Intersport does not have to choose between the high quality of long-time tools and the flexibility of disposable solutions.
Since 2008, we hardly missed a major football event: While the small mo5s struck London, Dublin, Amsterdam and Munich, our experienced modulboxes went to Moscow and Madrid. Our secret for a successful performance? Flexible positional play, suitable for any lineup, fast on any position.