Wera, the expert for screwdriving tools is on tour.

Wera is developing tools for professional demands as well as producing them and offers solutions for screwdriving problems. Real problem solvers for individual tasks are part of their product range with more than 3,000 tools.

Wera as company is located in Wuppertal (North Rhine-Westphalia) with locations worldwide, For their sales strategy as well as an unique brand experience and staging, Wera relies on modulbox, as Tour to potential customers across Germany and Europe. Actions and activities at hardware stores and industrial partners have atrracted attention with the modulbox. The modulbox looks inviting and all products can be tested directly and establish personal contact with interested parties. Touching and using tools is just fun.

“The concept worked out and we were able to present our products directly to potential customers as well as we increased the demand of Wera product’s and the positive result was that the manufacturer’s range was included in the product range of large DIY store chains in France. A very sucessful strategy for us as company and all implemented with a modulbox.” so Olaf Schulz, Manager Marketing and Trade Fairs from Wera.

Many thanks to Olaf Schulz for the article and photos.
Further details to products and service at www-de.wera.de/en/